Tuesday, July 19, 2011


This summer I was bitten by a bug. The Homesteading Bug.
I've always enjoyed homemaking and creating things from scratch, but it was a while since I did any of those sorts of projects until I visited the herb farm.

In beautiful Warren County in the Garden State of New Jersey, we're blessed to have Well-Sweep Herb Farm. 2011 marks their 42nd year in business and their inventory includes 1,949 varieties of plants. Funny thing is, Cyrus Hyde (pictured on right in a field of his famous propagated single bloom globe thistle) bought his land in 1966 to homestead because he had a passion for gardening.

I made my way to the herb farm to purchase some lemon balm for a refreshing summertime drink. I came home with 2 Lemon Verbena plants (lemon heaven on earth), 6 Nasturtiums (edible flowers), 1 Lemon Balm, Chocolate Mint, Ginger Mint, Chewing Gum Mint, Rosemary (extra oily), Basil, Lavender, Oregano, Lemon Thyme and English Thyme.

As I planted the herbs in anticipation of the summer bounty, I was reminded of how much I enjoyed creating my own home atmosphere and some of the products (most edible, but not all) we use. Let the cooking and the projects begin!

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